
Prolyft Digital

Get ready to impress. Keep your audience engaged. Build your dream website. Services for everybody.

Drive more sales with PPC Services

PPC campaigns use advanced Machine Learning on Google/Bing/Native platforms that is trained to understand the nuances of your target audience and your business plan. This means you get a more targeted, smarter campaign that shows you demonstrable ROI without having to lift a finger!
Data Driven Search Ads

Data-driven search ad management

In an era of fake news and data breaches, it’s imperative to be sure what you’re seeing is real. Here at Prolyft Digital, we’re committed to running campaigns with full transparency and accountability. You’ll always know who we are, where we’re coming from, and how much your campaign costs with our new analytics dashboard!

Campaign optimization by leveraging Remarketing

A campaign optimization is about maximizing the effectiveness of your campaign by using different marketing strategies. Remarketing is one such strategy that has been used to get more out of a campaign.
Remarketing with Google Ads
Custom Attribution Modelling

Custom Attribution for valuation of your marketing channels

Attribution is the process of tracing the source of a single conversion or customer, and attributing this to a particular marketing channel. It helps you to understand what channels are working best for your business, and what channels need improvement.

Reporting Insights that work for you

Our reporting is the best in the industry — we show how many new leads were generated by each keyword or ad; which ad copy was most successful; how much traffic was driven by each network — all in one place!
Save Time

We save you valuable time

We take care of everything for you, from researching to strategy to execution to reporting. We will help you identify the right keywords for your business based on your customer’s behavior online.

Frequently asked questions

We now have an FAQ list that we hope will help you answer some of the more common ones.
PPC stands for Pay Per Click. It is a model in which advertisers pay only when someone clicks on their ads. These ads are then shown to people who are searching Google, Bing, Yahoo or another search engine. PPC allows advertisers to reach more people at a lower cost than other ad formats.
Google Ads operates under a pay-per-click (PPC) model. The advertiser bids on a certain keyword/s and the bidding is done by Google for the advertiser, competing with other advertisers like yourself who are also bidding on that particular keyword at that time. Your ad shows on the SERP based on ad rank which is determined by quality score and budget, if it wins the bid. You only pay when a visitor clicks on the ad.
Google is the world’s most popular search engine, with over 75% of all search queries originating from Google. The company’s AdWords platform continues its dominance in online advertising. Google AdWords is the world’s most popular advertising platform. It enables advertisers to drive more traffic and raise brand awareness on Google search engines. In comparison, Bing and Yahoo offer a limited number of advertisers and spend significantly less on their PPC marketing campaigns.
SEO is the abbreviation for search engine optimization, which is the process of optimizing your website to meet specific search engine ranking criteria. It is important to understand that SEO is not one size fits all, and it depends on the type of business you are running. Will you be able to attract the number of people necessary for your business to reach stable growth? If so, you’ll need both SEO and PPC marketing tactics. It’s important to have a clear strategy in mind before choosing which marketing tactic will work best for your business. Specialist advice should always be sought to arrive at the best decision.
Google AdWords is a service offered by Google that allows users to advertise on Google and YouTube. Users can set a budget and target their ads to specific regions, keywords, and demographics. Costs vary depending on how users choose to use the service.
At least a minimum of three months. At the beginning of a PPC campaign, you should focus on data collection. For these three months, you should collect data, as there is no history of performance or user behavior. Using this data helps you increase the value of your ads and optimize for better performance with keyword targeting and optimization, audience targeting, and bidding strategy. It can take time to see the benefits of a particular workout routine, but it’s important to stick with it. It may be worth investing in a few small items that will help you keep going even when the going gets tough.
In theory, automated ads may work well for one advertiser and not so well for another. The evidence suggests that automation can help advertisers and increase their profits. However, a campaign might not even exist without people managing it. As humans oversee and manage the entirety of the process, they must ensure that things don’t go off the rails. If you do not have the resources to manage your campaigns, it’s best to hand it over to an agency who can help you manage and run your campaigns.
The factors that determine the cost of a PPC campaign are numerous. On average, a person can expect to pay anywhere from $100 to $5,000 for a single PPC campaign depending on requirement and budget. Your keyword’s price, or cost-per-click (CPC), is determined by a combination of your bid strategy, competition for the keyword, quality score and a few other factors.
Google uses AI to expand the reach of its advertising platforms. They find certain ads that are likely to be of interest to users and show them based on their search intent and history. This makes it quick for users to take action on problems quickly. Landing pages are good for advertising campaigns because they don‘t have detailed navigation links as a normal website does and it includes messages that are specifically designed for quick action from the user/visitor. The information they provide is very relevant, meaning a higher likelihood that people will fill out a call-to-action form or leave a phone number. This results in a lead for the business and also helps Google provide solutions to the user quicker and thereby retaining their loyalty.
Remarketing is a popular form of search engine marketing that has been around for a while. It works by serving ads to users who have visited an online page or request information from your website, and it can be very helpful in reaching a wider audience without having to advertise elsewhere. It’s the most effective way to target the people who have shown some interest in your business or brand. Think of it as a great second opportunity to find and retain customers and increase your profits with online ads and campaigns. Your ad platform options for remarketing are a lot more vast than you may have realized. You can use Outbrain, Adroll, Taboola, Google’s Ads’ remarketing tool, or Facebook’s Custom Audience tool for your ads.

Are you looking for top-of-the-line PPC management services?

We are the digital marketing experts behind some of the great brands in Africa. We specialize in Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and Pay-Per-Click (PPC) management, so you can have more time to focus on what’s important to you.

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