
Prolyft Digital

Bring your customers closer with polished, engaging videos.

Connect your brand with the world through stunning,
ad-free video experiences and events that help you sell your products and services.

Video builds trust

Video is one of the best ways to build trust with your consumers. After all, people are more likely to buy from you if they feel like they know you personally .

Best way to convey information

Video is a powerful tool to convey information. The moving images are able to capture attention emotions, and imagination

Engages even the laziest buyers

An advertisement or a marketing campaign for a company or product is often the only way to get in touch with potential customers.

Video Increases social shares and chatter

Video content has a higher likelihood of going viral and being shared on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. Video tells a story in a different way than text can.

Investing in video marketing can give you a greater ROI

They are more engaging than any other content format. People start watching videos on their smartphones, tablets, and laptops. Is a proven video marketing strategy.

Google has a greater affinity towards Videos

Having videos on your website, not only do they encourage more people to stay for a longer period they are viewing the videos but they also allow viewers to learn about your company.

Trusted by leading brands


Connect with your viewers. Live.

Video is one of the best ways to build trust with your consumers. After all, people are more likely to buy from you if they feel like they know you personally – that’s what makes video ads so appealing! When people see your products or services in action, they’ll have a sense of security knowing that they can get their questions answered about your company right there on the spot. This will not only make them feel more confident about proceeding with a purchase but also more willing to recommend your business to their friends or family!


Get all the likes, follows, and subscribes

Video content has a higher likelihood of going viral and being shared on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. Video tells a story in a different way than text can. It offers something that people cannot get from reading black and white words on a screen which is emotion. A person can feel strong emotions from watching an emotional scene or humorous video clip which is why it gets shared so often.


Grow your business with every play

They are more engaging than any other content format. People start watching videos on their smartphones, tablets, and laptops. A proven video marketing strategy can also help you track the impact of different content marketing efforts in order to better understand what works for your business needs.


Go from idea to video in minutes

Video content has a higher likelihood of going viral and being shared on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. Video tells a story in a different way than text can. It offers something that people cannot get from reading black and white words on a screen which is emotion. A person can feel strong emotions from watching an emotional scene or humorous video clip which is why it gets shared so often.


Track your video performance. Everywhere.

Video is one of the best ways to build trust with your consumers. After all, people are more likely to buy from you if they feel like they know you personally – that’s what makes video ads so appealing! When people see your products or services in action, they’ll have a sense of security knowing that they can get their questions answered about your company right there on the spot. This will not only make them feel more confident about proceeding with a purchase but also more willing to recommend your business to their friends or family!


Create a video marketing hub

They are more engaging than any other content format. People start watching videos on their smartphones, tablets, and laptops. A proven video marketing strategy can also help you track the impact of different content marketing efforts in order to better understand what works for your business needs.

Videos are a great way to represent your brand on your favourite channels

Case Studies

We design, build and support websites and apps for clients worldwide. We make your business stand out. Interested? Let's chat.

Frequently asked questions

We now have an FAQ list that we hope will help you answer some of the more common ones.
Video Marketing is a type of marketing that uses video to create interest and engagement with a target audience. Video marketing can be used to promote a business, product, service or event. Video marketing is the newest form of advertising and the most powerful as well as cost-effective way to reach out to customers.
In the age of social media, where content is king and attention spans are shorter than ever, video marketing has emerged as one of the most powerful tools in a marketer’s arsenal. Online video now accounts for 50% of all internet traffic. Video is now an effective way to capture and keep the attention of your audience, and it has become a key factor in business success.
Video offers a great opportunity to reach and engage with your customers on a more personal and memorable level. You can use it to show off your products and services, share your expertise, highlight your team members, tell the story behind your brand, business and more. Videos not only encourage more people to stay for a longer period of time while they are viewing the videos but they also allow viewers to learn about your company.
Video marketing is a great way to promote a product or service. It’s not a one-time job though, nor is it easy to do. You need to start by deciding what your goals are for the video, and what you want it to accomplish. What is your audience? Do you have the skills and equipment necessary?
The good news is that with video marketing, you can grow your business with less risk than other forms of marketing. It’s also much less expensive than other forms of advertising when done right!
There are many ways to increase views on your videos. To be successful, you need to consider what your target audience is interested in and what they are doing.
One of the most popular ways to view videos is through YouTube. You can showcase your video by using Google AdWords or Native Ads. This will allow you to place ads on related sites that are likely to have an audience that might be interested in watching your video.
A video marketing strategy is a set of marketing techniques that involve using the power of video. These strategies are used to interact with customers and motivate them to make a purchase. Some of these strategies include videos about product features, tutorials, demonstrations, and promotional videos that provide information about the company or product.
Video marketing campaigns can be accompanied by other types of marketing campaigns such as email campaigns, social media campaigns, and SEO campaigns.
There are many reasons why videos are a great tool to help increase sales. First, videos can be watched on any device, unlike text or images which require the user to be in front of a screen. Second, they can help emphasize features, outlining what makes the product different from others on the market. Thirdly, they are more personal – consumers get an insight into who is behind the product and what their values might be.
The video content in any given industry varies depending on its target audience and objectives. For example, in the fashion industry videos focus on showing clothes in motion while for luxury travel it is about showcasing destinations and making viewers feel like they are there.”
The aspect ratio is a proportional relationship between width and height. It can be represented as a number in a ratio, written as a fraction. The wider the aspect ratio, the more information it will take up on your computer screen. Wider ratios are better for content with larger text, whereas narrower ratios are better for content with smaller text.
In relation to screen sizes, an aspect ratio of 16:9 is well-suited to broadcast television but not for desktop computers because it doesn’t match common monitor resolutions from 1366×768 to 2400×1600.
The answer to this question is not a simple one. It depends on multiple factors, such as your business goals, audience, and budget. You can make videos about your products or services by listing the benefits of them and how they work. You can talk about what problems they solved for other people, show how they are used in everyday life, etc.
You could also make instructional videos about how to do something. Or you could create a series of videos that teach people a skill or knowledge area from “A” to “Z”.
The future of video marketing is very bright. Video has continued to grow in popularity and is expected to soon come close to matching the use of text on the internet. As this happens, video will become an important part of marketing strategy for most brands.
Video marketing reaches twice as many people as other forms of digital marketing, and it’s more cost-effective than other forms of digital marketing. One interesting development is that more brands are starting to advertise on YouTube instead of TV or even online through banner ads.

Grow your brand with a video marketing and SEO company.

Partner with us and launch a competitive ad campaign that delivers results and an impressive return on investment.

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