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Marketing to Gen Z

Marketing to Gen Z – Your Strategy to Impress New-Gen Customers

Marketing to Gen Z – Your Strategy to Impress New-Gen Customers

Marketing to Gen Z is not as easy as it may seem. They are a difficult audience to engage with as they are constantly bombarded with content every day. In order to market successfully to this group, we need to be more creative and innovative in the way we approach them. Gen Z is not keen on traditional advertising methods. Instead, they prefer content that is authentic, entertaining and informative. I will discuss how marketing strategies for Generation-Z differ from Generation-Y and why a different approach is needed in order to reach this new generation of consumers. But, before that we must understand the basics – Who/What is Gen Z?

What is Gen Z – The Definition?

Gen Z is the generation born after 1995. They grew up in a world where smartphones and social media have always been a part of their lives. This means that they can’t relate to the idea of waiting for something – they want it now, or else. Gen Z has many different interests, but most of them are interested in entrepreneurship and networking with others. Traditional jobs are less appealing to this generation because they don’t like the idea of being stuck in one place for too long. This generation is also known as “lazy” by many because Gen Zers expect everything to be handed to them on a silver platter without any work on their end.

The Aligned Approach to Marketing your Product or Service

Marketing in the digital age is a delicate balance to maintain. Companies need to make sure that they are not only delivering the appropriate content but also making sure that they are delivering it to the right people at the right time. The Aligned Approach utilizes a Marketing Mix, which includes, Media, Promotion, and Positioning, to ensure that companies are able to get their message out in an appropriate manner. The aligned approach has been proven successful by many of today’s companies because it takes into account all aspects of marketing and social media. It is important for marketers to recognize when balancing the four P’s of Marketing – Product, Price, Place, and Promotion – will work for them.

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Tips for Building a Marketing Strategy from the Ground Up

The first step is to understand your company’s goals. What are you trying to accomplish? What are the KPIs? What does your customer look like? What channels do you want to use to reach them? What do you want your marketing messages to say and show them?

Marketing to Gen Z – The Crucial Information You Need Before Marketing to Them

1. Know their needs and challenges (hobbies, social media, travel, etc.) 2. Know their values and interests (environmentalism, veganism, etc.) 3. Get to know their personality traits (they’re the selfie generation) 4. Get with the times- they’re digital natives! Remember that text messaging is a very important form of communication for them! 5. Prepare a marketing plan- they want content that’s unique and personal to them! Don’t just post stuff on your own social media channels- create individualized Based on the above, we have created a list of eight factors, below, that would help you effectively market to your Gen Z audience.

1. Define Core Competencies and Key Differentiators

Core competencies and key differentiators are two common competitive advantages that a company can have. The core competencies are things that a company does better than other companies. The key differentiators are the things that make a company different from its competitors. The core competencies make up the foundation of the company’s own strengths while the key differentiators are what sets them apart from their competitors in ways which they can’t be matched. Combining both these factors, it is easy to see how they can be a form of competitive advantage for any business in today’s marketplace.

2. Conduct a Thorough Market Analysis

A market analysis includes a comprehensive examination of the marketplace and its dynamics. It should include looking at how the company will be able to distinguish itself in the marketplace, what alternatives are available to consumers, and how competitors are positioned in the marketplace. The purpose of any market analysis is to help guide a company’s marketing strategy for success.

3. Determine and Define Customer Segments

You must first know your target audience before you can segment them into different groups. These segments are typically based on demographic factors like age group, gender, income level and location or psychographic factors like personality traits or interests. The process of segmentation is defining segments of customers and understanding their needs. Understanding the needs is crucial to marketing decisions and developing a customer-focused strategy. The segments you define are necessary to analyze customer behavior, identify hot spots, develop marketing campaigns, prioritize features, etc.

4. Develop a Strong Value Proposition

The value proposition is a concise statement of the benefits of your product to the customer. It does not try to sell the product, but rather it focuses on how it can benefit the customer. Value propositions are an important aspect of any business; they are often used in marketing campaigns because they simplify complex messages and present them in a more compelling way. The value proposition should be succinct and powerful, so that potential customers will understand what makes your product different from your competitors’.

5. Create a Go-To-Market Distribution Plan

A go-to-market distribution plan is a combination of marketing and sales strategies that is used to launch a product or service. These plans are created at the beginning of a new product or service development process. They are created to help establish what will drive the success of the new product or service. This plan often includes different ways that you will be selling your product or service, including who your target audiences are, how many people you want to reach and what channel will be used to reach them. You should also include how much money you want to spend on developing this new product or service in terms of time and resources and what your estimated margins are.

6. Create an Integrated Marketing Campaign with Funnels that Fits the Customer Lifecycle

Integrated marketing campaign is a marketing strategy that uses multiple channels to promote a product or service. It takes the necessary steps to increase awareness, create engagement, and drive conversion rates. A campaign that is designed with varying steps for different stages of the customer lifecycle will be more successful than one which does not fit the customer lifecycle. Below are some general guidelines that should be followed for a successful integrated marketing campaign: Understand your audience and their needs by mapping out their customer journey – this will help you decide what channel or channels to use in your campaign. Keep in mind that the different stages of the customer journey need different types of content and messages – so make sure you have something relevant to offer them at every stage they stop at. Make use of resources

7. Evaluate Tactics & Tools for Inbound Marketing, Social Media Engagement and Sales Conversion

Inbound marketing is a way of marketing that relies on building trust, developing long-term relationships, and encouraging customer engagement. It comes from the idea that visitors are more likely to become customers if they feel like you’re providing them with something of value. This strategy takes a human-centered approach to marketing, focusing on providing value to your company’s visitors by satisfying their needs and solving their problems. It involves the creation of content that attracts visitors into a sales funnel by educating them about your products and services.

8. Measure What Matters – Impact of Your Marketing

There are many metrics that marketers use to measure their success. But as the importance of marketing grows, there is a new type of measurement that is gaining traction – customer lifetime value. In his book Marketing Metrics, Kotler discusses the difference between sales-driven companies versus customer-driven companies. In a sales-driven company, the goal is to “sell more today than we sold yesterday” but in a customer-driven company, such as Amazon or Google, the goal is to increase “the life time value of our customers”. The customer lifetime value metric has made it possible for marketers to track how well they are doing and identify which areas need improvement.
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